Sunday, 25 April 2010

Blitz - Freeze Terrain test two mid-way

A selection of pictures of terrain test two for the Blitz Freeze project, 6 inches square, showing the burnt out house, dugout with sand bags and barbed wire, plowed field. and shell holes. The next stage will be to obscure all the details with snow. The barbed wire was made from pan scouring wire glued on with PVA. The plowed field was PVA glue put on in heavy lines and left to dry. The dugout is sized to take a 1p coin which I use for basing my 10mm figures on.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Blitz Freeze - The Snow

The original ground test 6 inch square terrain board with the snow added, I first sprayed the board with matt white spray paint, this was not as successful as I had hoped it would be, it tended to flatten out the look of the terrain. I made the snow from a mixture of pound land filler, matt white emulsion paint and PVA glue. This was applied with an old paint brush. This worked quite well, I will play around with the mixture of the paint, filler, PVA combination, after taking these pictures I added quite a bit of dry brushing with dark brown earth colour. When making this terrain tile I got so far and was tempted to give up, but kept going, and in the end it worked out quite well. More pictures to follow.

Blitz Freeze - Ground work test two

Ground test two, for the Blitz Freeze project. This time with a destroyed house, shell holes, dugout and small river. I'll paint this one with the same base colours as the original board but this time I'll paint on the snow instead of using spray paint. I still need to make some sand bags to go around the dugout, which was cut out to fit a 1p coin which I use for basing my troops. I also want to add some small bushes and hedges.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Small House in 15mm Scale

A small house based on the free Vietnam building plans from Wargames Illustrated, I've added some window sills and door lintels and also some supporting buttresses. The building is made from 5mm foam core board and the roof is from the usual G.F.Smith colour flute card, but this time cut into strips then stuck to a card board base to create the look of terracotta tiled roof. I just need to liven it up with some signs and posters, check out this link from the Rapid Fire site for some great Italian signs and general posters. Just need to print them out at the right size for 15mm scale.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Blitz Freeze - Ground work

I've made a start on some test pieces of ground, 6 inches square based on foam board, a quick trip to Wilkinsons and I got three tester pots of their emulsion paints. You can see the pots in the top two pictures. The paint I bought was Java Bean Emulsion, Nutmeg Spice Matt Emulsion, Chocolate Dream Matt Emulsion. All Wilko own brand, 87p per pot. I was a bit worried that the Java Bean would not be matt as the was no mention of Matt on the pot. But after using it it dried perfectly matt. The top picture showes the ground work with small stones and sand and PVA applied. The green flock which was used was quite a bright green when applied but with some dry brushing of the Java Bean it blended in very well. The second picture shows a Pendraken BT7 in 10mm scale, to give some idea of scale. The next step will be to cover it all up with snow!!