Sunday, 25 August 2013

Finished Mosque

I started this project last November, so not bad going for me at under 12 months from inception to completion. The bottom three pictures show details from inside the court yard of the Mosque. The ceramic planters with the trees in are made by the simple step of gluing two kid's beads together. We have an old Quality street jar in the garage full of them, very handy. The shrubs/small trees are made from scouring pads cut to shape. The trunks are made from cocktail sticks.

The minaret is not permanently stuck in position, it can be removed. The original idea being to create a bomb damaged version, with the top section blown away. This is still in the pipeline, and hopefully before the full 12 months is out I'll have got it finished.




Tony said...


I particularly like the colour scheme.


Giles said...

That's brilliant. Like Tony, I love the colour scheme and as for the detailing inside....

Great stuff, Airhead.


Sidney Roundwood said...

An excellent model. I love the mosaic effect inside the Mosque - it very much reminds me of the ones I've visited in Egypt. Wonderful (again)!

airhead said...

Thanks for the feed back chaps, always nice to get positive comments.

All the best


Phil said...

Excellent work, very inspired! Great colors!