Thursday 19 March 2009

Big wood 2

Two new pictures showing different angles of one of the big woods, top picture show the wood with the art board base for the tops of the trees. 15 - 20mm over hang on the tree stumps. Onto this expanded polystyrene is glued after being hand shaped to make the outlines of the trees, then painted with cheep black acrylic paint, to cover up any areas missed with the foliage clumps. Bottom picture 9th tree stump from the left, shows tea leaves used to represent ivy growing up the tree trunk. (note to self must get out more).

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Big woods

An over head picture showing how I build the body of my woods, based on art mounting board in this instance, still based around CD dimensions, three in this case. twigs are all 30mm high and hot glued onto the art board base. Shows how I use the toilet roll centers to create the outline of the wood which the twigs are glued to, then free standing twigs/trunks glues away from the main body of the wood to create the uneven naturalistic look. The sketch shows how I drew up the idea. The other picture shows a wood painted and awaiting the final process, the most time consuming and boring part of the lot, but unfortunately the key one. 

Small copse

A small copse of trees in front of a larger wood, the copse is based on a mini cd 80mm across, £1 for 4 in poundland, great for basing and not bad at 25p each. Built using the same techniques as the larger woods minus the toilet rolls. So you can see between the tree trunks.

Wood on CD base

A small wood based on a free cereal box C.D. Tree trunks from twigs from the garden, used two different kinds of clump foliage to give the impression of more than one type of tree. More posts to follow with work in progress picture showing how I build this type of wood.

Hut from the back

Back view, showing the defensive ditch and the grain store on stilts.