Wednesday 27 February 2013

Painted bits and bobs

Painted bits and bobs in 15mm scale, finished early this week, the middle picture shows some of the market stalls being used as sun shades on the roofs of some of the down town buildings. Also some of the barrels and covered boxes positioned on the roofs.

I'm currently in the middle of making some slag/coal heaps for my 10mm WW1 - WW2 forces, hopefully I'll post some WIP pictures over the weekend.

Apologies for the rubbish quality of the the photos.



Wednesday 20 February 2013

Bits and bobs

I have been working on some bits and bobs to use with my 15mm scale set up. I always like to see terrain that looks as thought its lived in. I think the difference between good terrain and great looking terrain are the little things, like market stalls, stacks of boxes and barrels, you can never have to many barrels.

The above pictures show some market stalls made from match sticks, coffee sticks and cardboard covered in hessian  and masking tape. The barrels are made from kids beads with card circles cut with a hole punch, the pile of boxes are covered with wine bottle foil.



Sunday 10 February 2013

KABOOOOM Barrage markers Finished

I have finished the barrage markers, the above photos show the range of markers on my spanking new cutting matt. My objective of making a range of markers covering explosions from the initial impact up to the towering cloud of smoke has worked out quite well.

I had collected a number of pictures as reference and put together a pdf to refer to while I painted the explosions. I started from the base of a black over all coat, I next painted on the bright yellow and worked through the orange and red. At this point I worked over the outer edges of the red and orange with a mix of black and grey to add some softer edges to the flame bits.

I just need to add a couple more initial impact markers and I can move on to my next project.

