Thursday 17 May 2012

Pill Box progress

Just a quick update on the progress on the pill box front, bottom picture shows the pill box's PVA'd and covered with sand, the rigid plastic of the cocktail stick container takes the PVA glue best if it is rubbed down with sandpaper first to provide a key for the PVA to stick to, otherwise the PVA beads on the surface.

The top picture shows the start of the construction of the destroyed pill box, the mesh is from a car body repair pack. Its soft aluminium and can be trimmed with a knife, the roof section has pencil lines showing where the roof will be cut up.



Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cocktail sticks into Pill Boxes

After all the trees this year I thought it was about time I went back to producing something of a more military nature. I always intended to produce some pill boxes to support my costal artillery bunker from July last year (link). In my local Morrisons supper market I was looking for some cocktail sticks for another project, and when I found them low and behold they came packaged in a great little hexagonal plastic box. The perfect size and shape for a 15mm scale pill box. And for the princely sum of 36p.

The second picture from the top shows the container cut into four sections. They then have roofs cut from art board and round bases to mount them onto. I then cut out some blast walls to go either side of the door. To save on the amount of time spent on producing the pill boxes, rather than cutting gun slits into the brittle plastic I cut slits into rectangles of art board and then stuck these onto the pill boxes.

Next up will be adding terrain to the bases and make a start on the destroyed pill box.

Till next time.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Free Trees Finished

Not bad for a bunch of twigs from out of the garden, finally flocked the bases and put some small clumps of foliage on the base as well. On the bottom picture in the center at the bottom of the central tree you can see some tree roots that I added made from wire, to give the impression of tree roots growing out of the high ground. Click on the picture for a bigger version. Worked out quite well.

I'm not sure about the new blogger interface, I don't like change... but I suppose I'll get used to it. I hardly have time for posting at the moment never mind learning a new interface.

A big thanks to all the people who have posted pictures and comments on this years Salute. Some mixed comments from what I have read. But from my point of view the games looked up to their usual high standard with some nice inspiration.

Next up, back to something of a more military nature, 36p for 4 pill boxes.

