Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Battle in a box UPDATE

After another long hiatus I've finally got my act together to post something! The pictures above are of some factory - industrial building terrain bases for my Battle in the box project, in the background are a painted village base and a walled manor/farmhouse base. All the bases are 30mm square and the buildings are glued onto 1p coins. The factory chimneys are made from the insides of some dismantled gel pens. Next up I'll be looking at producing some forts.

The top picture shows my original Battle in a Box box, sitting on top of a new one recently purchased, for the princely sum of  £9.99 The new box has a double decker layout with two internal trays.

Here's hoping this is the start of some more regular blogging from me, but I have said that before!!!

TTFN Airhead