A long story - cut short, plastic fish for fish sauce from a Sushi pre packed lunch. It was just crying out to be used in some type of terrain project. Then it come to me in a flash of inspiration, Mussolini's famous attempt at cornering the world pilchards market in the late 1920's with the building of a fleet of ocean going pilchard boats and the construction of a number of on shore facilities to support the fleet, located around the Italian empire, including Fish Markets, Smoking houses and freezing plants. However the wall St crash of 1929 resulted in the bottom falling out of the market, and the infrastructure fell into disrepair.
All of the above may or may not be true, the plastic fish however lives on.
The market was built from foam core card for the concrete base, plastic sprue from an aircraft kit for the cast iron support posts, hot glued into position, card for the roof and the freezer store room, I hand painted the fish advert on the freezer room. Next project is the smoke house, which will involve a tube of lemon sherbet.
very nice.
That's really very cool!
Nice work! I very much need to get hold of some of that corrugated card that you use for the iron sheeting. Look forward to the Sherbet Point Smokehouse...
Absolutely fantastic. I love it ! :D
You have some very inspirational terrain here, things I simply have not seen reproduced anywhere else.
Very impressive, thanks for sharing.
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Thanks for the kind words.
All the best
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