I have been interested in 1/300 micro armour since the late 1970's and over the years have had a number of armies, my current area of interest is the 1973 Arab Israeli conflict. While looking at various micro armour website I came to the GHQ figures free down loadable 1/300 card buildings. Not suitable for my middle east based interests but printed out at the right size very useful for my 10mm projects on the Franco Prussian war and early period WW1 armies. The models are based on the Dutch village/town of Borkel en shaft as well as Eindhoven. Ok its not Belgium, but with apologise to any Dutch or Belgian readers I may have, its near enough for my purpose's.The top picture shows a close up of one of the buildings in the process of being built, once I down loaded the PDF's I copy and pasted the various section of the buildings, so that instead of having just one building per sheet I had a number of the same building on the same sheet. They were then printed out onto A3 sheets of card. You will need to have Adobe acrobat professional to be able to do this. You need to scrol down to the bottom of the page to come to the building pdf's.
Excellent buildings...nice job
Hi Captain, Thanks for the kind comment, all credit to the chaps at GHQ for putting up such a great free resource.
All the best
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