On the left of the picture you can see the art board base, two CD's in size, and with the skeleton structure of foam board hot glued into position. To the right is a 3 CD size base with the mod rock on. I've found that to avoid the art board base becoming to wet and warping when dried out. Its best to cut the Mod Rock into lengths of about 4 -5 inches, dip into a bowl of water, then quickly squeeze out most of the water, so that when you apply the mod rock to the card skeleton its not over saturated with water.
Once the Mod Rock has dried out you will still be able to see some of the gauze showing, so I go over it with a thin layer of filler and then PVA and sand it, and add in some small rocks to Finnish it of Double click on pictures for bigger version
Great idea here. Love the use of the frame instead of building up a solid substructure.
I know you like to use cheap household stuff in some of your projects. I have had really good luck with something similar using layers of kitchen paper towel painted over with watered down school glue.
This hardens into almost fiber glass like material with it's own wrinkly, ripply naturalistic surface texture. You can then cover it with filler or use that texture if you want.
Hi Eli, Thanks for the comment, good idea with the kitchen paper. I'm looking at doing some paddy fields next, might give it a try on them. More pictures of the hills to follow as I finish them off.
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