I've finally finished my two native villages for my Fare East WW2 and Vietnam forces, they could however be used for any number of locations and time periods. The two top pictures of the four hut village show the small area of garden with the plowed soil and fire wood stack, the bottom picture shows the cooking pots made from small beads.
The three hut village again showing the effect achieved with the beach mat walls. See earlier posts for WIP pictures of how I created the huts from an old beach mat. Both villages are based on old CD's.Double click on the top 2 pictures for bigger version
Retired graphic designer used to work in Manchester, graduated in the mid 80’s pre Apple Mac. Twelve years working in advertising as a graphic designer in London, back home to Shropshire with the wife and daughter in the mid 90’s.
This really is stonking stuff. Not only is the model so good, but the colour of the groundwork just looks so right.
Best wishes
Thanks for the comment Giles, always nice to get feed back. Love your latest ECW stuff.
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