The ebob miniatures barracks. I printed out the pdf at 50% size, with a peter pig Italian tank in the foreground for scale, working out quite well so fare, I'll base them up on my usual art board base with sand - pva - granite chippings and same small bits of scrub. I'll also dry brush around the base of the walls. I think the key thing to do, to get them to fit in with the rest of the buildings will be to re-paint the windows. At the moment they are black, I'm looking to paint the windows of all my Asmara buildings to go with my coast watch station and Flying boat station.
Having a real problem with photographing stuff at the moment, dark mornings & evenings, when I mostly have time, is making it really difficult. Things are looking up however. Got home on Friday and It was still day light , just.
Nice looking stuff.
Hi Christopher, Thanks for the kind words, loved your General greene post, very nice work.
All the best Airhead
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