A small prison based on one of the free Wargames Illustrated Vietnam building plans from the February issue. Corrugated iron roof from the ever useful G.F.Smith colour flute ribbed card range. I painted the roof olive green, and to add some interest decided to give the roof a hole, so some tarpaulin and some planks and a rock to stop the rain getting in. Also painted PVA glue onto the walls and then in a very controlled way scattered sand on, to give a rough texture to the walls. I think it worked out quite well. It also helped when I dry brushed the paint onto the walls. I have skillfully managed not to photograph the side of the building with the window, but a quick and easy way to put some bars in the window is to push a cocktail stick through the foam core board and trim it of flush to the top of the wall. I just need to do some research on some signs and posters to go on the walls.And finally a big Hello to Doc Simian my 50th follower.
GF Smith makes the ribbed card? Excellent! I have been looking in local craft stores for the stuff and have had zero luck. Now I can try an online search. Many thanks!
Good luck with your card hunt.
All the best
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